On the 12th of January 2021, Professor Shihan Masamitsu Kudaka visited the local radio station in Okinawa, FM 78.6, to discuss Karatedo University and its mission. He was warmly received with enthusiastic support for the university. We look forward to more community outreach by the University. The following items were reviewed during the broadcast. (English follows)
1. 空手道大学を設立するきっかけと目的を教えてください。
2. 空手道大学の本拠地はどこですか?
3. 開校は2017年7月1日で間違いないですか?
4. 授業はすべて英語で行われますか?
5. スイスの「Monarch Business School」のHPでは、“Dr. Henderson also holds the title of Kyoshi, 7th dan, in Shorinjiryu
Karatedo awarded in Okinawa, July 2019.”とあります。久高先生と少林寺流拳行館との出会 いは
6. 日本語で「Doctor / Master of Leadership」を「リーダーシップ博士号/修士号」に訳
7. この大学は、主に世界硬式空手道連盟及び少林寺流拳行館空手道の
8. これまで卒業生の人数と国籍を教えてください。
9. これから、「Master Of Leadership」及び「Doctor of Leadership」以外に、新たな プログラムまたは学部の設
10. 現在、何名が大学に入学中ですか?
1. What is the mission of Karatedo University?
The mission of the University is to establish a university level institution to promote the underlying lessons and culture of Karatedo and to provide a central learning center for all karate players form around the world. Additionally, the University is to promote the culture of Karatedo and Japan. The University wil disseminate the lessons of Karatedo using modern technologies, meaning online platforms. From an academic standpoint the University wishes to bring a theoretical and scientific understanding to the practice of Karatedo. Otherwise said, the aim is to elevate the understanding and practice of modern Karatedo.
Important to the mission of the University is the production of knowledgeable, high-level academic faculty to promote karatedo lessons within education systems around the world. This goes hand-in-hand with the develop a generalized theoretical based university curriculum at the Bachelor, Master and Doctoral level. Further, a central element of the mission is to promote the understanding of the true historical roots of Karatedo study and practice. This aspect is often misunderstood even by those who have long careers in martial arts.
2. Where are the headquaters of the university?
The Academic headquarters are held at Monarch Business School in Switzerland through Professor Dr. Jeffrey Henderson, Dean of the School. Monarch is the founding academic school of Karatedo university and supports its degree programs. The functional headquarters is held by Hanshi Hisataka, Chancellor of the Karatedo University in Chiba, Japan. Training workshops are to be held in Chiba and Okinawa. The digital campus of the university is provided by a state-of-the-art online learning system that can be accessed by students, professors and administrators from anywhere in the world.
3. When was the University founded?
The Dedication of the University took place 01-July-2017 which started the foundational period of planning of operations and curriculum development. Later, a trail workshop for student instruction took place in August 2019 in Okinawa. Open courses to the general public over the online learning platform to commence 01-January-2021. Master and Doctoral online programs are presently open to students. The Bachelor program to select candidates over the online learning platform and in-person learning to commence 01-September-2021.
4. What is the language of instruction at Karatedo University
As a global institution the primary language of instruction will be English. This will be complemented with Japanese language instruction for both domestic and foreign students. The intent is to build proficiency in both English and Japanese language for all students.
5. Who is Dr. Henderson?
Dr. Henderson was a student in Canada in Shorinjiryu for 30 years. For the last 10 years he has been visiting Japan for advanced lessons in Budo culture. Dr. Henderson presently holds the rank of Kyoshi, 7th Dan.
6. How do the academic levels of Karatedo University relate to Karate studies.
The Doctor level is equivalent to the Hakase Go level in Japan while the Master level is equivalent to the Shushi Go level.
7. What is the focus or principle of the University?
The principal behind KU is that it is open to all students from all geographies willing to learn the timeless lessons of Budo.
8. When will the first students be able to start at Karatedo University?
The first academic intake for Bachelor students will take place September 2021. The first Bachelor graduates are expected for September 2024. Master and Doctoral student may join presently on a rolling basis.
9. Are there other programs at the University?
The Bachelor of Arts program will begin September 2021. A Master of Arts program is under development.
10. What is the present stage of development for the University.
At Present, the faculty has been developed and there are a handful of graduate students presently in the Master and Doctoral programs. As mentioned, the Bachelor students are to begin in September 2021.