Okinawan Cultural Exchange Experience

6-Day Program

Okinawan Cultural Exchange Experience


Day 1 – Appreciation of History:  We will pick you up at the airport, and while touring Shuri Castle, we will introduce you to the relationship between Japan, Okinawa, and China, as well as the history of the Ryukyu Kingdom.

Day 2 – Communication: You will learn Japanese greetings, simple daily conversations, and local manners that are essential for international exchange with local people through the experience of karate. In the afternoon, we will walk around the natural springs with drinkable water and the beautiful cobalt blue ocean, teaching the importance of gratitude and respect for the natural environment, reinforcing an awareness of sustainable development goals such as the SDGS.

Day 3 – Food Education: On the third day, through kumite training (pre-arranged forms), you will learn karate techniques face-to-face with a partner, learning distance, angles, timing, breathing, acquiring a type of communication that transcends race, religion, and national borders. In the afternoon, we will contemplate gratitude towards animals and other living things through horseback riding and a natural farming experience that introduces local agriculture and cuisine. While cooking together in a group emphasis will be placed on learning about the value of food and the importance of food and medicine. The activities of the day promote awareness of health maintenance and food energy sources. 

Day 4 – Reflections on Peace: Participants will visit Kudaka Island, known as the island of the Gods, for a dedication/demonstration, where the importance of prayer,  gratitude, appreciation and reflection on peace will be highlighted. Through the Utaki tour and dedication/demonstration, participants will be able to experience first-hand the concepts of Japanese Shinto, the prosperity of descendants, and the rhyme of daily life on remote islands. In the afternoon, we will take a walk around the island and spend a relaxing time away from everyday busy life to reflect on ourselves and our place in the world.

Day 5 – Self-Improvement: Through Kata practice, we will learn about self-improvement and how to overcome the lack of daily exercise to reaffirm what we have inherited from our ancestors. In the afternoon, we will stroll around the Nanjo City Product Center or Kokusai Street to buy souvenirs from the trip for family, friends, and teachers who are back home waiting for the participant’s return. A discussion on how to balance the mind and body through karate, zazen, calligraphy, and the experience of Japanese culture, will be examined to provide advice and feedback to participants on how best to organize their own lives.

Day 6 – Self-Defense: Through Karate training we aim to deepen your understanding of the history of karate by learning throwing techniques, joint techniques, and the characteristics of various weapons. The techniques of self-defense will be taught as an aid to crime prevention.

Conclusion & Wrap Up:

The training will conclude with a certificate of participation. Through this 6-day karate cultural exchange experience training program, it is hoped that the exposure to Ryukyu karate, which was a favorite of the Okinawan royal family, will encourage young people to carry themselves confidently into the future, maintain a focus of care towards their parents and families, and to participate actively in cross-cultural groups from as many countries as possible to continually foster an environment of peace and cooperation for all.


Dr. Kin Tetsu’s work includes providing lectures on intellectual brain education to trainees who come to Okinawa every month at the request of members or affiliated educational institutions around the world, and attending, interpreting, and providing lectures to trainees during their stay. In this spirit we introduce the following program.


 第一天: 机场接机 游览琉球王国首里城-了解日本、冲绳、中国之间的关系以及琉球王国的历史。
 第二天: 空手道练习-通过空手道学习日语与交流所必需的礼仪。其次,漫步于冲绳海滩,了解冲绳的自然,天气,文化。教导孩子们对自然环境的重视、感恩和尊重。 
 第三天: 通过空手道组手,与伙伴面对面学习空手道技术,用身体学习空手道的核心动作,距离、角度、时机、呼吸等。进行全方位的空手道学习和体验。其次,进行超越种族,文化,宗教,国家的和平,平等的国际交流活动。作为项目之一骑马和自然农耕体验来思考动物和其他生物链的关系,了解超越人类,国界的农业和美食,通过一起烹饪了解食物的价值以及食药的重要性。提高健康维护意识,例如衣食住和自然以及资源,能源。 
 第四天: 学员们前往久高岛进行国际交流和演示,亲身体验冲绳文化的重要性以及对和平的感恩之情。通过御泷之旅和交流演示,让学员们体验到自然和人类之间的连贯性的重要,亲身体验了解日本武道思想和历史渊源。其次,进行环岛散步,度过一段远离都市日常生活的轻松时光,知晓自己,发现自己,创造自己。
 第五天: 通过空手道练习,学习自我完善,克服日常锻炼的不足,并重申人类的遗产和继承的智慧。通过坐禅和书法来平衡身心,体验日本文化,感悟自己,创新目标。其次,旅游观光南城市物产中心和国际通,购买家人、朋友和老师的纪念品 
 第六天: 通过学习空手道,掌握打击,摔技术、关节技术和使用武器等动作,加深对空手道历史的了解。作为自卫和锻炼身体传授技术来学习与练习。 培训结束时将颁发世界硬式空手道连盟的国际交流学习证书。 通过为期6天的空手道文化交流学习项目,我们希望能够以琉球空手道作为皇室和王室的最爱,传承给未来的世界年轻人,创造人类更好的未来,更好的繁荣昌盛,实现和平的世界。